Cadillac Tire Care

Tire rotation, maintenance important to your vehicle’s safety

If you own a Cadillac, you likely already know how important it is to maintain your vehicle. One of the most important maintenance steps is rotating and replacing your tires. Your tires keep your vehicle moving. Their tread helps your vehicle grip the surface below, allowing you to get from here to there are safely as possible. Here are some tips to help you take better care of your tires. 

Tire pressure

Tires are designed to last for years, but they still need to be maintained before they require replacement. Keep an eye on your vehicle’s tire pressure. You should check your tire’s pressure at least once a month. If your tire pressure is too high or too low, you could experience a blow-out or flat tire. The recommended tire pressure for your vehicle is located in your vehicle’s owner’s manual and the driver’s side door. Make sure to check the pressure as the seasons change because temperate changes can affect tire pressure.

The penny test

You’ve probably heard of the penny test before. This test is used to measure the tread of your tires. To perform the penny test, place a penny in the tread of your tires. If you can see Lincoln’s head, your tread is too low. If this is the case, it’s time for a tire replacement. Low tread on tires can result in slippery situations. You want enough tread to grip the surface below, especially when driving on icy, snowy, muddy, or wet roads. Without proper thread, you could lose control of your vehicle.

Tire sidewall weathering

Tire sidewall weathering is also known as tire dry rot. Tires are made of rubber, which experience wear and tear over time that can decrease their effectiveness. Think of old tires like old rubber bands. Tires can experience sidewall weathering due to exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun, low inflation pressure, and improper storage. You can typically look at your tire to tell if it is experiencing weathering. It will appear weathered, cracked, or discolored. If your tires look this way, it’s time for a replacement.

Tire rotations

When you get an oil change for your Cadillac, you may also receive a recommendation to receive a tire rotation. A tire rotation is a simple rotation of your tires that can help your tires wear more evenly. This can extend the life span of your tires and help you get more bang for your buck. It is recommended that drivers receive tire rotations for every 6,000 to 8,000 miles they drive. It is recommended that you inspect your tires on a monthly basis, just to make sure everything is holding up well. If you notice any irregular wear, consider receiving a tire rotation earlier than the recommended mileage.

If you are in need of a tire rotation or replacement, visit us at Service Cadillac. We can help you maintain the quality of your Cadillac’s tires for years to come. We can also help you replace your current tires with top quality tires that are durable and long-lasting. To schedule an appointment at Service Cadillac, give our service team a call at 337-385-3254 today!

Image via Pixabay

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