Brake Pads

Caring for Your Brakes Keeps You Safe Driving Down the Road

Your car’s braking system is one of the most important because your safety, and that of your passengers, depends on it. You can take steps to prevent issues with your brakes and you should understand the signs warning you of a potential brake problem.

Check Your Brake Fluid

Brake fluid is the lifeblood of your braking system and should be checked regularly. If it’s dirty or showing signs of contamination, it’s time to have the system flushed. If the level drops, you might have a leak, and a regular check will enable you to catch the problem quickly and get it fixed before it becomes a bigger issue.

Have Your Brake Pads Checked

Have your brakes and brake pads checked at least once every year by a professional technician at your local service department. This should come under your regular car servicing schedule, but you can have it done separately. They will check that the pads, discs, calipers, and master cylinder are working effectively, and that there are no leaks or excess wear.

Drive Defensively

When you’re driving, leave plenty of space between you and the vehicle in front to avoid having to brake heavily. If the traffic slows down, you will be able to brake more gently, putting less strain on your brakes. This is not only a safer way to drive, but also helps to reduce the ‘domino’ effect of vehicles braking unnecessarily.

Brake Warning Light

If the brake warning light stays on or comes on intermittently, you need to get your brakes checked as soon as possible. It could indicate a minor issue, such as worn brake pads, or something more serious like a hydraulic fluid leak.

Grinding, Squealing, or Vibration

If you hear squealing when you apply the brakes, it is usually because of worn brake pads. The pads have small steel tabs built in that act as wear indicators. As the pad wears down, the tab contacts the rotor and makes a squealing noise.

Hearing grinding noises and feeling vibration through the pedal generally means that the pads have worn down completely allowing the steel plates to grind on the rotors. This means that your brakes are not going to be effective and you should have your car towed to the service center.

Soft Brake Pedal

The brake pedal should feel firm when you press it, but if it feels spongy or soft, you could have a serious problem. It might just be worn rotors or pads, but it could also indicate a hydraulic fluid leak, or air or water contamination in the brake fluid. You need to have the problem checked by a brake technician as soon as possible.

Pulling to One Side

When you apply the brakes and the car pulls to the side, something is causing the brakes on one side to be less effective. It could be worn out seals or components, a seized caliper, or damaged brake pads. Whatever the cause, this is a serious problem and needs to be checked quickly.

Taking care of your brakes will help to keep you safe on the road. If you are concerned about your Cadillac’s brakes, have them checked at Service Cadillac in Lafayette.

Image via Pixabay

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